Mixed media

A bit about me and a couple of fabulous artists to check out

I was recently nominated for some blog love by the wonderful Kate Palmer (aka Sparkle Tart) so I’m popping in today to share some bits about myself that you might not know and to share the love with some of my favourite creative ladies.  If you like, you can read Kate’s post here.

1.     What am I working on?

Super secret projects for upcoming design team blog posts for LuLu Art and X-Press It. I also have a few brand new Darkroom Door stamps on the way so I’ve started to think about ideas for using them! Other than that, I’ve been away overseas for the last two weeks so had a whole bunch of thinking time for new creative projects that I’m just itching to get stuck into.  I’m also diving back into some of my online classes like this one called Frolicaholic by Jane Davenport.


2.     How does my work differ from others of its genre?

Actually I’m still trying to work that one out! My style is very eclectic and changes depending on what I’m working on and products I’m working with. Generally though I use bright colours, lots of texture and usually a stamp or two!

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3.     Why do I create what I do?

I come from a creative family, Dad is a master upholsterer, cabinetmaker & French polisher & Mum was chief machinist and colour adviser to their customers as well as always having a knitted or sewn project on the go. My Nana & Aunt also always used to have projects on the go so I’ve always been surrounded by colour and texture. That background is difficult to ignore but I chose science as my career path and it’s been many years of experimenting and learning until I’ve found my creative path again.

Now I love to create with rubber stamps, either cards, scrapbook pages or mixed media layouts and I love that mixed media is so huge now! I get to play with all sorts of lovely goodies.

4.     How does your creative process work?

That often depends on what I am working on – design team projects start with the product that I need to feature and usually I sit down to play and ideas start flowing. For card or scrapbook based projects, I often sit and plan them out with sketches. Mixed media pages are totally different – once I start to play, creating backgrounds or just putting colour onto the page the page mostly creates itself without a lot of thought. Of course, colour mixing and matching play a big role – ‘how not to make mud’ was one of the mixed media lessons I learnt very well!

I’m blessed to have a far bit of creative time as I only work casual hours but I tend to be far more creative when I’m on a deadline! Go figure.


Now I’d love to tell you about some of the gorgeous, creative ladies I have met in my pursuit of creative happiness.  First up is Coral Lee. I met Coral by chance at a creative business seminar run by BrisStyle and we instantly just ‘clicked’ and found we shared a passion for mixed media and a love of learning about our craft.  We have now done five in-person classes together and have more planned.


Coral runs two blogs – Finding Firelight and Creative Women’s Business.


Next up is Sharyn Holmes who runs a blog and business called Gutsy Girl.  I also met Sharyn via BrisStyle – she was sited beside me at my first ever creative market and I’ve been following her online ever since.  Sharyn’s blog is a joy to read, soulfull and strong and as a fellow mixed media artist I love seeing Sharyn’s art.  Keep an eye on her site and come visit Sharyn at a market if you happen to be in Brisbane, you will be in for a treat!


Lastly is another lady who I met via BrisStyle creative seminars – Marta Walenda.  Marta is a beautiful, gentle soul and that shines through her blog and jewellery/home decor products. She paints and draws and creates one of a kind jewellery and homewares using recycled products.  Her and her partner are also keen cyclists and enjoy getting out into our wonderful local environment – it is fantastic to see this wonderful part of the world through the eyes of another!

I hope you have enjoyed learning a little bit more about me and I’d love you to visit these amazing artists!

Backgrounds, Copics, Mixed media, Tutorials

X-Press Graph-X Blog Hop

Do you know who you are?


Robyn Wood - sneak 1

Today I’m participating in another blog hop! This time it is with the girls from the X-Press Graph-X design team. We’ve all been working hard to create some really fun projects using some of our favourite products and the best part is that you have OVER TEN opportunities to win!

Robyn Wood - Do you know who you are

My project is a canvas created with a variety of techniques and using lots of yummy X-Press Graph-X products – Triple Tac, Canvas, Copics, Atelier Interactive acrylic paints, Hazel & Ruby Stencil Mask and Chromacryl mediums.  Our theme was to create a canvas that represents us – it gave me a bit to ponder. At 47 I’m still working out ‘who’ I am! Wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, volunteer, MSer, scientist, artist are all words that come to mind but my life is so multilayered that it was hard to pin down something simple.  Hence, this colourful, multi-layered canvas!


I started with a lovely layer of dictionary paper stuck down with X-Press It Triple Tac Glue and then added a bunch of paint layers using my Gelli plate, Atelier Interactive acrylic paints (awesome with the Gelli plate!), stenciling and doodling.


I used a tracing of a girl in my art journal for the main image, added a freehand flower, then it was time to set the wording out using Hazel & Ruby Stencil Mask letters. A wash of blue tones finished her off.


  • X-Press It 12 x 12 canvas
  • X-Press It Triple Tac Glue
  • Chromacryl Gesso
  • Chromacryl Texture Paste
  • Aterlier Interactive acrylic paint
  • Copic Multiliner, brush tip
  • Copic Markers
  • Hazel & Ruby Stencil Mask, Central Park Alpha
  • Gelli plate & various stencils
  • Tim Holtz Dot Fade stencil

I decided that as I had a bunch of photos and the steps are a little complicated that I would make a YouTube video as well.  Enjoy!


Did you know there are prizes in this blog hop??


As part of this blog hop, we would love to know what inspires you! Leave a comment on this post and you could win an awesome bundle of goodies like the one above.

FB_Prize_1 2

Make sure you hop over to the other blogs and the Inspiration Lane Facebook page where you could win more prizes, valued at over $500!!

The next stop is Teresa Abajo!

The hop is open from 9am AEST July 9 until 11:59PM Monday July 14, 2014. Sorry, Australian and New Zealand residents only.

If you happen to get lost along the way, hop back to the start at the Inspiration Lane blog.